Welcome to Anchorman Charters, providing fishing boat trips from Penarth, where you can go fishing for Cod, Bass, Rays, Conger Eels, Bullhuss, Smoothhounds, Spurdogs, Tope and Blue Sharks off the coast of South Wales, Somerset and North Devon, and the various Islands in the Bristol Channel such as Flatholm, Steepholm and Lundy.

Anchorman is one of the fastest Charter Boats fishing the Bristol Channel, with twin 285hp engines cruising at 20 knots and capable of maximum speeds of up to 30 knots, making the excellent fishing areas of Stout Point and Nash accessible within 1/2 hour: Less travelling time - More fishing time. Together with an accomplished skipper with over 25 years experience you will find your time fishing on Anchorman both enjoyable and rewarding. The Bristol Channel has a reputation for superb fishing in its fast flowing silty waters.
The boat with its 33ft length, 16ft beam and catarmaran hull is one of the biggest and most comfortable charter boats in South Wales with massive deck space, more than capable of accommodating 12 Anglers and has been fitted out with safety as a top priority. The boat is equipped with the very best in hi-tech navigation and radar equipment. Facilities include a toilet which is adjacent to the wheel house. Anchorman carries a full MCA 60 mile CoP license and insured to carry 12 passengers.
In the summer we specialise in light line Bass, Smoothhound, Spurdog, Ray and Shark fishing, in the Winter the main target is Cod.
