Bristol Channel Fish Species
There is a huge range of species caught off the coast of South Wales and North Devon, and the various Islands in the Bristol Channel such as Flatholm, SteepHolm, Lundy, including Cod, Bass, Rays, Conger Eels, Spurdogs, Smoothounds and Tope.
January, February and March still give good cod fishing here, with the biggest fish up to 40lbs showing during the mid January to end of February. Codling remain inshore right through until May, though their numbers obviously drop. By late April bass have moved onto the rougher patches along with thornback, spotted, and the first of the small eyed rays. All the rays, including blondes, are well established by mid May. By the end of the month, then attention turns to smoothound and some good fish well into double figures are caught. Huss and dogfish, plus pack tope to 50lbs are also in numbers.
The wrecks are well visited in June, July and August giving quality pollack up to 15lbs, huss and conger. October sees the first codling back inshore, along with whiting, and whilst the conger and rays continue to be caught right through the autumn, most boats focus on the cod fishing during the winter months.
Know when to target what species, Bristol Channel Fishing Seasons.
