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 Bristol Channel

Flatholm Island

The small island of FlatHolm is located near the centre of the Bristol Channel and is just five miles from Barry, its rich in wildlife and steeped in history.

Since the Dark Age times, Flat Holm has been a retreat for monks and since then has acted as sanctuary for Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, silver miners, smugglers and cholera victims. Fortified in Victorian times and again in World War II.

Its most famous for receiving the first ever radio message across water sent by Marconi in 1897.

The lighthouse in the picture was constructed around 1820, there was a previous lighthouse that was constructed as early as 1737. Also present on the Island is the keepers' cottages.

FlatHolm Island is now a Local Nature Reserve and a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a local nature reserve. The island is a haven for wildlife, home to one of the largest Gull colonies in Wales (Lesser Black Backed) and also home to the rare Wild Leek.

Flathom Island view from Barry Harbour
For further information, contact: Flat Holm Project Tel: 02920 353917 Email: flatholmproject@cardiff.gov.uk

Flatholm Island in the Bristol Channel Flatholm Island in the Bristol Channel Flatholm Island view from Baryy Harbour

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